SYLLABUS: PHY 2049 – PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers II
Fall 2016 (4 sem. hrs.) – Tu/Th from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm (Classroom MAP 260).
Instructor: Enrique del Barco Office: Physical Science (PS) 452
Office hours: Tu and Th (before class, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm)
e-mail: [email protected]
SARC Supplemental Instruction: SARC will offer supplemental instruction for our course this semester. Check the website of the Student Academic Resource Center ( for more detailed information about this. We will give you the details in class, as well.
SARC Tutoring: Check on the website of the Student Academic Resource Center ( for the days and times of tutoring hours for this course. They are very helpful.
Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers (any edition), vol. II, Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett. You don’t need to buy the e-book for the last edition.
Course description: PHY2049 is the second of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics offered primarily for students majoring in Physics and Engineering. Special emphasis is placed on understanding major principles governing general phenomena in Nature, and mathematics is used as a tool to clarify concepts. Students should have a good working knowledge of algebra, trigonometry and basic calculus (derivatives and integrals).
Reporting: As of Fall 2014, all faculty members are required to document students’ academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the assignment in your UCF Webcourse in Canvas as soon as possible after adding the course, but no later than Friday August 24. Failure to do so will result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid (if applicable to you).
Examinations: 60% of your grade will be determined on the basis of three 60 minutes in-class exams (2-3 problems and 6 multiple choice questions, 20%). No final exam this semester. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS AND NO EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN EARLY OR LATE. For exceptional situations (such as Religious holiday, medical emergency, etc.) you may take an exam in a different day if you have a written request (not an e-mail) and submitted it personally to the instructor ahead of time with the appropriate documentation to justify the absence. A non-graphic, non-programmable calculator may be used during exams.
Laboratory: The laboratory will be done independently by your lab instructor and it will weight 20% towards your total course grade. Labs will be done through Webassign. Refer to the lab syllabus for details. LABS START THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES!! Don’t miss it, since you will need your code to register in Webassign for the lab section and complete a pre-lab activity before the second lab session.
Homework: Weekly (upon each unit completion) web-assigned homework will be submitted on the WEB. The platform we will use this semester is For instructions on how to register into, go to the bottom of page. You should self-enroll in both the lecture and the lab (the “class key” for the lecture is ucf 3545 8825). INCLUDE YOUR UCF STUDENT ID (any one, but use the same for both) WHEN YOU REGISTER IN BOTH COURSES. This is necessary for transferring your final lab grade to your lecture. It is important that you use the same credentials than in the Webassign for the lab. There is a 14 days trial period, after which, you will will need to register to complete the homework. Note that the first assignment will be posted during the second week of the course. Homework will count as 15% of your final grade.
Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (IDLs) will be performed during the course. We will be using i-clickers and REEF (which is the online system i-clicker offers now if you buy the i-clicker 2+). Info on what to buy in the bookstore: i>clicker 2 + free REEF access ISBN: 1498601634. You need to register in REEF to use it and you don’t have to use your remote in class if you purchase REEF. If you have a remote already (i-clicker + or i-clicker 2) you don’t have to buy anything!
How to register to REEF: Sign in or create a new REEF account if you don’t already have one. Doing this from here will link your Canvas and REEF identities for this course and allow me to synchronize your scores. If you have an i>clicker remote, you must still create a FREE REEF account and add your clicker ID to your profile. Then log into REEF from here.
Student user guides:
Grades: Your grade for this course will be calculated as follows:
Grade = 15% (homework) + 20% (laboratory) + 5% (ILDs) + 60% (three in-class exams)
Grading scale: A 85-100%; B 75-84%; C 60-74%; D 50-59%; F 0-49%
NO GRADE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE OR BY E-MAIL. If you miss an in-class exam without exceptional justification (see UCF policy) it will count as a zero and will average down your exams grade.
I would also suggest reading the course textbook and/or related ones as a complement to the class lectures. Remember: The instructor could be wrong!
Instructions to self-enroll into Webassign for the Lecture and the Lab
Your instructors will give you two separate Class Keys (one for Lecture and one for Lab). Please use the same username in both classes and remember to add your student ID when enrolling in the initial class/lab (This is the only place where you can add student ID and it cannot be edited.) Make sure the Student ID is input correctly before clicking “Create My Account”. It is very important that you use the same username I both courses and include your student ID so that your lab grade can be transferred properly to the lecture gradebook. Please read these instructions before you start so that you have everything you need to enroll.
To self-enroll for a class:
- Go to the WebAssign login page (, and click I have a Class Key.
- Enter the class key your instructor gave you, and click Submit.
- On the verification page, check the class information and determine whether or not the correct class and section is displayed.
- If the correct class and section is listed, click Yes, this is my class and go to step 4 on page
- If the listed class or section is not correct, click No this is not my class. Try entering your class key again, in case you might have mistyped a character. If the correct class is still not displayed, contact your instructor.
- If you have an existing WebAssign account, select I already have a WebAssign account, type the Username, Institution, and Password for your account, and click Continue.
- You are enrolled in the class and logged in to WebAssign using your existing account.
- If you do not have an existing WebAssign account, you can create one now.
- Select I need to create a WebAssign account, and then click Continue.
- Type the username that you would like to use for your WebAssign account in the Preferred Username field, and click Check Availability to see if the username that you want is available.
- Usernames are not case-sensitive, so BobSmith, bobSmith, and bobsmith are all the same username.
- After confirming the availability of your new username, type a password in both the
- Choose a Password and Confirm password fields.
- Ensure that your password meets the displayed requirements, which might be different than those shown above. Passwords are case-sensitive, soIAmCa3sar is not the same as iamca3sar.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and your Student ID Number. (This is important if you want your grades recorded after the class is complete)
- Click Create My Account.