FALL 2008 (3 sem. hrs.) – Tu/Th from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM. Class – MAP233
Instructor: Enrique del Barco Office: MAP 421 Lab: MAP 240
Office hours: Tu/Th 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (other times by appointment) e-mail: [email protected]
If, by any chance, I am not in my office, look for me in the lab.
Textbooks: Introduction to Solid State Physics, Eighth Edition, Charles Kittel (Wiley), Solid State Physics, Ashcroft/Mermin (Brooks/Cole)
Course description: HZ4044 and PHZ5405 are introductory but detailed courses on the basics of solid state physics, in which the basics of crystallography, elastic diffraction, lattice vibrations, electronic structure and electric transport properties of solids are examined in depth. PHZ4044 is offered primarily for undergraduate students majoring in Physics, Engineering and Materials Science. PHZ5405 is offered as an introductory solid state course to fresh graduate students at the physics department. Both courses will be combined in the same lecture, to promote interaction between UG and Graduate students in the physics department.
Examinations: 70% of your grade will be determined on the basis of two mid-term exams (2 x 20 = 40%) and a final exam (30%). THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS AND NO EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN EARLY OR LATE. For exceptional situations (such as Religious holiday, medical emergency, etc.) you may take an exam in a different day if you have a written request (not an e-mail) and submitted it personally to the instructor ahead of time with the appropriate documentation to justify the absence. A non-graphic, non-programmable calculator may be used during exams.
Homework: Periodically, a set of homework problems will be handled to the students. Homework will weight 30% of the total course grade. Class attendance will also be used in calculating the final grade of the homework (subtracting up to -10% of the course grade).
Grades: Your grade for this course will be calculated as follows:
Grade = 30% (homework) + 40% (2 x mid-term exam) + 30% (final exam)
Grading scale: A 85-100%; B 75-84%; C 60-74%; D 50-59%; F 0-49%
NO GRADE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE OR BY E-MAIL. If you miss an in-class exam without exceptional justification (see UCF policy) it will count as a zero and will average down your exams grade.