January 9 Presentation and introduction.
January 11 Ch. 2: One-dimensional Kinematics
January 16 Ch. 2: One-dimensional Kinematics
January 18 Ch. 3: Vector in Physics
January 23 Ch. 3: Vector in Physics
January 25 Ch. 3: Vector in Physics (This chapter has taken too long)
January 30 Ch. 4: Two-dimensional Kinematics
February 1 Ch. 4: Two-dimensional Kinematicsn
February 6 Ch. 5: Newton’s Laws of Motion
February 8 Ch. 5: Newton’s Laws of Motion
February 13 Ch. 6: Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion
February 15 Ch. 6: Application of Newton’s Laws of Motion
February 20 First in-class exam: Chapters 2 to 6 (both included) Find the formulas you can use in the exam in course notes
February 22 Ch. 7: Work and Kinetic Energy
February 27 Ch. 7: Work and Kinetic Energy
March 1 Ch. 8: Potential Energy and Conservative Forces
March 6 Ch. 8: Potential Energy and Conservative Forces
March 8 Ch. 8: Potential Energy and Conservative Forces
March 20 Ch. 9: Linear Momentum and Impulse
March 22 Ch. 9: Linear Momentum and Impulse
March 27 Ch. 10: Rotational Kinematics and Energy
March 29 Ch. 10: Rotational Kinematics and Energy
April 3 Extra day
April 5 Second in-class exam: Chapters 7 to 10 (both included)
April 10 Ch. 11: Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium
April 12 Ch. 13: Oscillations about Equilibrium
April 17 Ch. 13: Oscillations about Equilibrium
April 19 day to play with
Thursday, April 26 10:00 am – 12:50 pm Final exam: All chapters covered in class
*This calendar will be adjusted to the needs of the course. Changes will be based on the course progress. The in-class exam dates could be moved one or two days up or down.